+49 (0) 162 30 931 03
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Available Mon-Fri from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m
Grazia Agency I International High Class Escort Service
Grazia Agency I International High Class Escort Service


Rebecca - nahbar & anschmiegsam
Dear Grace,
Ja, es war wunderschön Zeit mit Rebecca zu verbringen.
Schön, dass es so kurzfristig geklappt hat. Die Zeit verging mal wieder viel zu schnell. Bin wirklich sehr froh sie kennen gelernt zu haben.
Sie ist eine ganz liebe Person, sieht hervorragend aus und hat eine wahnsinnig schöne Figur.
Und diese Lippen machen schier süchtig. Sie ist sehr nahbar, anschmiegsam und eine richtige Kuschelmaus. So mag ich es sehr!
Habe die zu kurze Zeit mit ihr in allen Belangen sehr genossen.
Warm greetings
Camille - einfach unglaublich!

Liebe Grace!

Von der ersten Kontaktaufnahme (Buchungsformular), über Telefon, bis hin zu diversen Mails war es eine rundum gelungene und überaus freundliche und herzliche Kommunikation. Kein Detail wurde vergessen und die Vorbereitungen auf das Date wurden somit total einfach gestaltet. So stellt man sich das vor, absolut top! Vielen Dank!


Das Aufeinandertreffen, die Gespräche, das Lachen, die Annäherung, die intimen Momente, einfach die gemeinsame Zeit und der ganze Moment waren total schön. Camille ist eine sehr emphatische, eloquente und mega angenehme junge Frau! Sie schafft es in jedem Moment, dass man total vergisst dass es sich gerade um ein arrangiertes Date handelt. Über die optischen Vorzüge gibt es aus meiner Sicht sowieso keine Zweifel und wie ich finde, sieht Camille in Natura sogar noch viel schöner aus. Liebe Camille, vielen Dank für die tolle Zeit, die wir hoffentlich wiederholen werden!

Zum Schluss nochmals vielen lieben Dank für das tolle Erlebnis und grüß mir Camille ganz lieb von mir.

Warm greetings


Elena - the perfect Travel Companion

Dear Grace,

I am very grateful to you for making my vacation dream with Elena come true, and for your flawless organization.

You were absolutely right—Elena is an excellent, lovely travel companion for a longer vacation. She created unforgettable memories, and with her, life is full of fantastic adventures. What an amazing combination!

I dreamed of spending my summer vacation with Elena on Rhodes Island in Greece, and I had prepared everything well in advance, eight weeks ago, to make her feel like a princess during our time together. I wanted to enjoy every moment with her under the sunny, beautiful weather.

Elena is incredibly attractive and stunningly beautiful, with a lovely smile and magical green eyes.

She embodies elegance and seduction, and is not only pretty but wonderfully sweet. She is 100% natural, incredibly sexy, always in a good mood, gracious, and fun with a great sense of humor.

I truly enjoyed every minute with her, filled with happiness, as her sweetness and charming nature made our five days together so comfortable and special.

Everything was just perfect, and I can’t believe how quickly those five days passed. I’m definitely going to meet Elena again soon, and I can’t wait.

Many thanks again, Grace, for your excellent organization.

Best regards,

Elena - immer noch begeistert

Dear Grace,

Die Nacht mit Elena war einfach fantastisch!

Mein erstes Escort-Erlebnis hätte wirklich nicht besser sein können.

Sie ist nicht nur unglaublich sexy, sondern auch wahnsinnig intelligent.

Ich bin immer noch begeistert und möchte mich nochmals herzlich für dieses unvergessliche Date bedanken!

Rebecca & Fiona - sensual goddesses with an sexual appetite

Hi Grace,

I just want to say thank you for arranging this date with these wonderful girls.
My mind is fundamentally blown.
Rebecca is like an elf goddess and Fiona has an amazing sexual appetite. I only wish it could have been longer.. maybe next time.
For now thanks again and hope to speak to you soon.
Best, R.
Eva - an absolute seductress
It was absolutely stunning. Eva was sublime. By the time we had got to the hotel she had put me completely at ease and it felt entirely natural checking into our beautiful hotel together. Thereafter she was a fabulous companion. The easiest person to talk to, completely charming and an absolute seductress. She is of course sensationally attractive and it is hard to know whether she looks best in a dress for dinner, a bikini for the beach or just fresh out of the shower.  We saw precisely nothing of the Amalfi Coast as we were too busy lying entwined in each other and talking.
It was in short the most heavenly two days I could imagine.
Thank you.
Julia - sexy, mitreißend und extrem lebendig

Dear Grace,

Es war ein sehr schöner Abend mit Julia und wieder ein voller Erfolg.

Sie ist wirklich eine extrem attraktive und hübsche Frau und hat eine mitreissende und extrem lebendige Art. Dazu hat sie ein unglaublich positives Naturell und man kann mit ihr eigentlich nur gute Laune haben.

Dazu ist sie dann auch nich unglaublich sexy mit einem tollen Körper. Was will Mann mehr?

Ganz lieben Dank für die Organisation und bis hoffentlich bald.

Viele Grüsse,


Larissa - Tiefe Seele, voller Leidenschaft

Loebe Grace,

Zu Larissa fällt mir nur folgendes ein:

Tiefe Seele, voller Leidenschaft

Schöne Neugierde, unstillbarer Ehrgeiz

Voller Liebreiz und Demut

Ungeschmickt und klar

Dabei geheimisvoll und tiefgründig

Hinreißend ihre kleinen Brüste...

In liebe, C.


Rebecca - unrestrained & sensual

Guten Morgen!  😉

Rebecca was very funny, intelligent, beautiful and sexy. We spent most of the time talking and laughing and enjoying each other.

She is very easy to talk to and be with.

In bed, it was equally amazing. We harmonized perfectly and were on the same wavelength, sometimes wild and unrestrained, and other times sensual and slow. It was truly a wonderful experience for me.

We had a lovely time and I would love to see her again. 



Eva - hat das Eis sofort gebrochen

Hello dear Grace,

das Treffen mit Eva hat mir ausgesprochen gut gefallen und wir haben uns von Anfang an prächtig verstanden. Ich habe das Date mit ihr sehr genossen und wir hatten viel Spaß zusammen.

Eva ist eine wunderbare Frau, sowohl äußerlich als auch charakterlich. Ihre offene und herzliche Art hat das Eis sofort gebrochen, sodass wir schöne Stunden miteinander verbringen konnten, wenn du verstehst 😉

Ich hoffe, Eva hat das Date genauso gut gefallen wie mir! Bitte richte ihr auf jeden Fall ganz liebe Grüße von mir aus!

Ich würde mich freuen sie bald wiederzusehen.

Emily - absolutely amazing

Hi Grace,

Emily is fantastic. Love petite beauties. The night was absolutely amazing!

Please let her know that I miss her already and we'll see her again soon. 



Rebecca - abwechslungsreich und aufregend

Hello Grace,

mir hat das Treffen mit Rebecca viel Spaß gemacht.

Besonders gefallen hat mir, dass man sich mit ihr sehr offen und angeregt über alle möglichen Dinge unterhalten kann. Ihr Charakter ist dabei genau wie du ihn beschrieben hast, ganz unprätentiös und natürlich. Die Konversation war so abwechslungsreich und wurde nie langweilig.

Das hat sich auch auf den zweiten Teil des Dates übertragen bei dem keine Wünsche offen blieben. Es ein sehr schöner und aufregender Abend, ich hoffe, dass er Rebecca ebenso gefallen hat.

Vielen Dank nochmals für die Organisation.

Many greetings

Camille & Eva - Fließende Ekstase

Guten Morgen liebe Grace,

ich schulde Dir noch Feedback 🙂

Zunächst mal allgemein: Danke für die echt hervorragende Kommunikation und Organisation! Ich bin da echt sehr angetan von. 

Das Date selbst war ein Rausch, der mich einfach durchgängig gefesselt hat und den ich gerade immer noch lächelnd sortiere. Die Dynamik der beiden, die fantastische Art, wie ich ein selbstverständlicher Teil dieses Abenteuers wurde und die Mühelosigkeit, mit der die Stunden verflogen sind, sucht wirklich Seinesgleichen.

Die Zeit ist absurd schnell vergangen und nachdem sich die beiden in den Sommerabend verabschiedeten, habe ich noch lange die Schwingungen des Nachklangs genossen. 


Was mich dann wirklich komplett mitgerissen hat, war die Dynamik, die zwischen beiden entstand und mich sofort in ihren Bann gezogen hat. Wir starteten unten noch mit Drinks und zogen dann, mit Getränken versorgt, nach oben. Der dann folgende Reigen der Körper, dieser umwerfende Tanz aus Berührungen, auffordernden Blicken, fliegenden Wechseln und fließender Ekstase ist bisher einzigartig für mich. Mir fehlen wirklich die Worte, zu beschreiben, wie sehr ich mitgerissen wurde und mal als genießendes Opfer, mal als dominierendes Element und auch als genießender Voyeur in dem Ball der Berührungen umhergeworfen wurde. Zwei perfekte Körper in umwerfenden Looks in der unglaublich mitreißenden Art haben jede Sekunde ein Erlebnis werden lassen.

Vielen Dank an die beiden, das war ein perfekter Nachmittag, wie ich ihn mir vorher nicht hätte vorstellen können. Ich hoffe sehr, dass es den beiden auch gefallen hat 🙂

Warm greetings,


Nora - sicherlich schwer, das Erlebte zu toppen


herzlichen Dank für die Organisation des Dates mit Nora.

Ja und was soll ich sagen, Nora lässt einfach keine Wünsche offen, einfach eine wunderschöne junge Dame, intelligent mit Niveau mit der man wunderbare interessante Gespräche führen kann und ich auch die körperlichen Intimitäten in vollen Zügen genießen konnte.

Es ist sicherlich schwer, das Erlebte zu toppen.”


Fiona - the date exceeded all my expectations

Hello Grace

Firstly, as I also told to Fiona, I have been very pleased with your communication and service.

Then, as to the date, the time with her exceeded all my expectations. You will never know in advance how the chemistry between two person will work. In our case it could not have worked better. She is naturally gorgeous young woman. I especially appreciated her natural beauty and look. More importantly, she is intelligent, passionate, outgoing, funny and down to earth type of woman. I had so much fun with her.

I naturally told her how much I enjoyed the date. She was very kind telling that she also enjoyed the date and my company. But please thank her again for this 24h adventure 🙂


Alina - Frau der Superlative

Hello Grace,

ich durfte ja schon einige Grazien kennenlernen.

Auch Alina ist eine Frau der Superlative, genau wie ich es von dir gewohnt bin... 😉

Sie ist außergewöhnlich und hat eine unglaublich positive Ausstrahlung.

Wir hatten eine fantastische Zeit miteinander, haben viel gelacht und uns über Gott und die Welt unterhalten.

Der erotische Teil stand dem nicht hinterher...  Alina weiß was sie will und kann sich aber auch fallen lassen... Deswegen hat die Chemie zwischen uns direkt gut gepasst.

Ich hoffe, Alina hat unser Date auch so genossen und es wird ein baldiges Wiedersehen geben...

Danke auch dir Grace für die perfekte Organisation,

Liebe Grüße, K.

Fiona - eine aufregende & leidenschaftliche Erfahrung

Dear Grace,

ich wollte mich herzlich für das fantastische Date mit Fiona bedanken.

Sie ist eine unglaublich faszinierende Frau mit einer bemerkenswerten Persönlichkeit.

Ihre Ausstrahlung und ihr Lächeln sind einfach ungezwungen und natürlich und du weißt ja, darauf lege ich großen Wert.

Fiona hat es geschafft, dass ich mich von der ersten Minute an wohl und willkommen gefühlt habe.

Der Abend war voller spannender Gespräche.

Als wir uns zurückgezogen haben, hat mich Fiona ein weiteres Mal überrascht.

Obwohl sie  einen sehr ausgeglichenen Charakter hat, war davon im Bett nichts zu spüren - es war eine wilde, leidenschaftliche und aufregende Erfahrung... 😉 ganz nach meinem Geschmack...

Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich Fiona nicht zum letzten Mal getroffen haben...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,


Fiona - hat mich direkt in ihren Bann gezogen

Hello Grace,

mein Date mit Fiona gestern war ein wirklich unvergesslicher Abend.

Fiona hat eine so charmante und herzliche Ausstrahlung und hat mich damit direkt in ihren Bann gezogen...

Wir haben uns blendend unterhalten und viel gelacht. Fiona ist nicht nur wunderschön, sondern auch sehr intelligent und aufmerksam.

Es war ja nicht mein erstes Date, ich habe ja vorher schonmal bei anderen Agenturen gebucht.

Aber: Ihr und Fiona haben meine Erwartungen bei weitem übertroffen.

Ich kann es kaum erwarten, sie wiederzusehen und einen weiteren wunderbaren Abend mit ihr zu verbringen.

Vielen Dank für die perfekte Organisation, Grace. Ohne dich wäre dieser Abend nicht möglich gewesen.

Best regards,

Fiona - klug, sanft und erotisch

Hello Grace,

mein Date mit Fiona gestern war einzigartig...

es war eine unglaublich angenehme Begegnung mit einer wunderschönen, klugen, sanften und erotischen Frau.

Ich würde mich sehr freuen, sie bald wiederzutreffen.

Danke, dass du dieses Erlebnis für mich möglich gemacht hast.

Warm greetings


Julia - Sie ist nicht nur hübsch sondern hat auch einen tollen Charakter

Dear Grace,

Es war ein tolles Date mit Julia. Sie ist wirklich eine ganz hübsche, aber hat mindestens eine genauso tollen Charakter. Extrem sympathisch, offen, bubbly und gleichzeitig interessiert.

Ich habe die Zeit sehr genossen.

Die 4 Stunden waren natürlich viel zu kurz...

Ich würde mich aber auf jeden Fall sehr freuen, Julia wieder zu sehen.

Ganz lieben Dank dass es so kurzfristig alles so hervorragend geklappt hat.

Best regards,



Rebecca: Es war mir eine Ehre mit ihr den Abend verbringen zu dürfen

Dear Grace,

Wollte mich noch bedanken für die Orga des superschönen Dates mit Rebecca gestern.

Wer auch immer sich unsicher ist, ob er Zeit mit Rebecca verbringen sollte, dem kann ich sagen: unbedingt machen!

Warm greetings,


Eva ist ein Diamant, ein Engel, ein Juwel.

Dear Grace

Es war nicht nur alles bestens, es war grossartig.

Eva ist ein Diamant, ein Engel, ein Juwel. Was für ein spannender Mensch in dem zarten Alter.

Ich habe die Zeit mit Eva sehr genossen. Das Kennenlernen war schön, die Stimmung sehr angenehm wie ich fande, die Gespräche abwechslungsreich und ehrlich und der intime Teil, ..., ich sag mal so: Ich hoffe sehr, es war nicht das letzte Date mit Ihr.  

Danke für alles, und hoffentlich bis bald. Ich melde mich gerne wieder!



Alina is passion - Alina is lust - Alina is breathtaking!

I met Alina in Berlin in June and had a wonderful evening with a beautiful woman.
When we met, I was immediately taken by her sweet smile, her pretty face and her sexy voice.

We found a comfortable spot in a bar, shared a bottle of wine and after a few minutes I had forgotten my initial excitement and shyness. Her open, funny and sensitive manner make her a pleasant and interesting conversation partner, while her sexy curves and her great lips make you want more.
Later we went back to the hotel room and I was speechless when she came out of the bathroom in sexy black lingerie.

Alina is passion - Alina is lust - Alina is breathtaking!

I really enjoyed the sex with her. She has a really well-trained body and a natural and passionate way of giving herself up. But even as we continued chatting, cuddling and listening to music, I didn't feel uncomfortable for a second and found the time with her to be very intense.

I would like to thank Grace for the smooth organisation beforehand and especially Alina for the awesome and unforgettable evening.
Warm greetings


Rebecca - Your dress has already blown me away

Dear Grace,

The date with Rebecca was great. She is a very loving and beautiful young woman who always has an interesting topic of conversation. The dress she brought with her blew me away. We had to change the restaurant at short notice because it wouldn't have done justice to the outfit. The time in the restaurant and casino flew by with the first signs of affection. Her open and entertaining manner is very pleasant.

The erotic part was no less impressive. Her slim, yet very feminine figure with long legs and full curves was simply a delight. Many greetings to Rebecca.

Thank you very much for the nice communication and good planning. I always felt very well informed, especially with the short status updates on the day of the date. The Sedcards are very nice and informative, by the way. 

I'm looking forward to my next date with you 😉

Warm greetings


Eva - perfect balancing act between Lolita and Vamp

Hello Grace,

I wanted to give you some feedback on my date with Eva:

She managed the balancing act (in the truest sense of the word) between Lolita and vamp perfectly and was very accommodating to my wishes. Simply wow!

I would be very happy to see Eva again as soon as possible...

Many greetings

Camille - Time flies when you are having fun

Dear Grace,

I'm doing great, still smiling when thinking back on my date with Camille.

It was a great time with a very special, interesting and inspiring young lady.

Time flies when you are having fun.

And with Camille the fun was there.

I would like to bring you my compliments and many thanks.

And of course also many thanks to you Grace, highly appreciated all the help to organize this lovely date.

Thank you again and I am sure I will have more dates with Grazia Agency in the future.

Best wishes,


Lara - an enriching experience

Dear Grace,

The date with Lara was wonderful; very interesting, lively conversations, a very relaxed, open atmosphere and a close and intimate time together. Lara is a very beautiful, lively and special person. It was a very enriching experience for me.

I hope to see Lara again soon...

Best regards


Rebecca - a real delight

Dear Grace, 

Well, I must say, you have an incredible hand with your ladies!

With Rebecca it was really so pleasant and beautiful from the first to the last second!!!

She has a really relaxed nature and we got along really well from the first moment we made eye contact. 

Loving, open, very free-thinking and at home in many topics. Really good. And she has a really interesting life path ..

And the physical-sensory aspect 😉 was a real treat. So close and so tied together. 

Thanks K.

The whole experience went beyond my expectations!

Hi Grace,

The date with Rebecca was simply amazing The whole experience went beyond my expectations! She has a very rich background and many interesting thoughts about life. She's deeply curios about the person she's talking to, which is a sign of intelligence and reflects her desire to learn continuously. 

Aesthetically, she has everything I like: beautiful face, long legs, slim body, and blue eyes that irradiate sweetness and kindness, but the second after they become full of lust and passion…what a combo!!!

I hope she had some nice time as well! 

Look forward to receiving the access code to the member area and see if we can arrange a date for Wednesday evening.



Nora - I couldn't have hoped for more


My time with Nora was fabulous. She was so caring, playful and incredibly sexy. I couldn't have hoped for more.

I would love to see her again soon

I'd also like to thank you for how simple and easy the whole booking process was.



It simply captivated you

Dear Grace,

I wanted to expressly thank you again for the really fantastic date!

From the first minute, Eva captivated me with her manner and cast a spell over me. Over a glass of champagne in a secluded corner of the bar, the first gentle touches flitted across my legs and sparked a spark between us that continued throughout the date.

What followed was a four-hour frenzy of beguiling physicality and being entwined with one another, the images of which still take my breath away. Between the many moments of pure pleasure, we had great conversations in which I enjoyed having a very multifaceted and intelligent conversation partner whose intellectual depth brought its own special charm. I can still see her captivating eyes in front of me and remember all the impressive sights in which I was able to look at her stunning body. It seemed a little as if an artist in love had been allowed to let off steam with her silhouette.

It was the perfect date. It took me tenderly by the hand, pulled me into a fantastic, sensual ecstasy and slowly slipped out again, so that as an aftertaste I could still enjoy Eva's scent and the memory of this brilliant day when she herself had already disappeared into the evening .

A very big thank you for this enchanting experience, I hope for a follow-up and enjoy the still fresh memories a little more 🙂

Warm greetings,


Camille - a wonderful & passionate weekend
Dear Grace,
I had one of the best weekends I have had in years with Camille these past days. I will start by saying that Camille is a very cool person, with a great taste for music, with a very free spirit and a good heart. She is a good person who I think was crucial for me having an experience as good as I had. She has an incredible laugh and a beautiful smile, she is so compassionate and kind and understanding. We had great conversations and lots of fun dancing, going to museums, showing me around the city, etc. She is stunningly beautiful, very fit and has very soft lips. She is a passionate and generous lover. She is an incredible cuddler, and I felt very much at ease and safe with her to be myself and not be judged. We really clicked and at the end of out time we started thinking when can we meet again and where to travel. It was an incredible weekend and without a doubt the most genuine girlfriend experience I have had to date. I truly wish her the best of luck and would recommend her because of the amazing person she is. That's on top of her beauty and sex appeal.
Diana - we had great moments together
Dear Grace,
Unfortunately, I'm only now getting around to answering you.
What a great date with an amazing woman 🙂 We laughed, with and at each other, and had great moments together.
Any time again when I'm in NRW.
Many greetings to Diana and thank you for the great organization!
LG, T.
Fiona - The best date ever

Hello dear Grace ☺️

...the date with Fiona was breathtaking!!!! I dare say it was one of my best dates ever! And you can imagine that I've had a lot! 🙃

Fiona has intelligence, charm and eloquence! And well, she looks stunning too! The hours just flew by ☺️ ...you can tell I'm raving a bit! 🙃

Can you tell me how Fiona enjoyed the date? I would really like to see you again soon! I'm currently looking for available dates in April. I'll get in touch again in the next few days!

Kind regards, S.

Hanna - feminine, sensitive and intelligent

I'm just reflecting on the last 48 hours with Hanna. She is a great woman – feminine, sensitive and intelligent. I really enjoyed our conversations as well as the intimate hours with her. I would like to thank her again for the wonderful time.

My thanks also go to you and your agency for the uncomplicated and friendly arrangement and for making this wonderful weekend possible for me.

I wish you a nice evening and a good start into the new week.


Camille - lively, creative & beautiful

Dear Grace,

It was a wonderful date with Camille yesterday; She is an extremely open, lively, creative and very intelligent beautiful woman with great empathy and great imagination.

It was also a very nice erotic get-together and interesting conversations and an enriching exchange with Camille resulted in a wonderful experience.

 Thank you also for the very good and reliable organization.

 Best regards


Exciting intermezzo with Julia

Hello dear Grace,

I had an exciting and varied “Intermezzo” with “Bella Julia”! This doesn't just apply to the erotic interludes that arise wonderfully "by themselves" (Julia is refreshingly active and "purposeful" in this regard ), but also the rest of the evening and daytime arrangements came together very harmoniously - also because Julia agreed to all my plans in a very easy-going manner. Unfortunately we didn't find an opportunity to wear Julia's really breathtakingly tight glitter outfit - but what isn't...

please send my love to the beautiful one!

See you soon and best regards 


Emily - wants to meet her more and more

Hello Grace,

Yes, my second date with Emily was absolutely amazing and I find myself wanting to meet her more and more! 

It was very important for me to find a companion with whom I can be myself and just have a good time. I really hope she enjoys my company as well and I will definitely plan another meeting with this charming, kind, cute and beautiful lady. 

Thank you as always for organizing this meeting and making sure everything went smoothly. 

Best regards, 



Lucia: I've rarely had such a nice date

Dear Grace,

Wow. I have rarely had such a nice date. 




Anna made my day...

Hi Grace,

I had a pretty turbulent afternoon and Anna definitely saved my day. We first checked out the spa and then had a very nice evening.

Great woman, intelligent conversations and good chemistry in bed.

Give her nice greetings,

see you soon,


Emily - Your Irresistible Companion

Hello Grace,

Yes, the second meeting with Emily was absolutely amazing and I find myself wanting to meet her more and more!

It was very important for me to find a companion with whom I can be myself and just have a good time. I really hope she enjoys my company as well and I will definitely plan another meeting with this charming, kind, cute and beautiful lady.

Thank you as always for organizing this meeting and making sure everything went smoothly.

Best regards,


Julia - a dream woman for a great evening
dear Grace,
I had a wonderful evening.
Julia is really a wonderful woman!
The ice was quickly broken and no wishes were left unfulfilled.
Please send Julia my best wishes again.
Thank you also for the very nice and uncomplicated organization!
See you soon I hope
Kind regards
Diana - perfect mix of elegant and sexy

Dear Grace, Diana is truly a remarkable companion. She radiates a wonderful warmth and embodies a perfect mix of warmly elegant and sexy.

Her natural beauty is refreshing, and her warm personality makes her wonderful company. I enjoyed every second with her - as always, you didn't promise too much.

Thank you for this great recommendation, dear Grace. Please send my best wishes to Diana and I look forward to seeing you again.

Best regards,

Elite Escort Rebecca - sexy and cultured

Good morning Grace,
Thank you very much again for organizing the date with the pretty Rebecca.
I had a great time with her. I found her funny, sophisticated and so sexy in hers
Lingerie. We were a good match!

You run a great agency!
Kind regards and have a nice weekend, both of you.
See you very soon,



Elite Escort Hanna - an absolute dream woman

Dear Grace,
Thank you very much for the perfect organization. Everything was wonderful last night
succeeded. Hanna was a great break, a great adventure. She is an absolute dream woman
and no wishes remain unfulfilled/unsatisfied.
Warm greetings


February 2024

Elite Escort Rebecca - a sinful angel in my bed

Hello dear Grace
I would like to thank you again for arranging this
wonderful Rebecca.
I was able to get to know and enjoy an enchanting Rebecca.

With your open and
In a communicative way, my initial nervousness was quickly forgotten. The common
Dinner packed with in-depth conversations and the subsequent lustful and
I will remember the passionate night in the suite for a long time.

The angel face
with a sexy body in seductive lingerie that becomes a sinful angel in bed
is madness.

Send my regards to Rebecca and hopefully see you soon.
Best regards

February 2024

Elite Escort Melina - We will meet again soon

Hello Grace,

I really enjoyed my time with Melina. The date with Melina was sweet and relaxing.

She's really a sweet person and a very good

We also went out for a couple of drinks (thanks for your bar suggestions). It was a successful date.

And we plan to meet again soon next month.

Please give regards to Melina.

Have a nice weekend ahead.


January 2024

High Class Escort Eva - beauty, wit & education combined

Have a nice day, dear Grace!
I just wanted to tell you briefly about my date. It was incredibly beautiful!!!

Eva is a charming young woman!
She combines everything that makes a lady.

Natural beauty, education, wit, empathy and she is also incredibly sexy...
It was so much fun talking to her. Our conversations were of great importance
a lot of depth. We never ran out of topics.

The fun in bed was never neglected with her. The gentleman enjoys and is silent!
All in all, a fantastic overnight date that I will remember for a long time
become!!! If the opportunity arises again at , I would of course be very happy to have Eva
see you again.

Thank you very much for your excellent organization of our date!
I wish you and Eva all the best for the future! See you soon.


January 2024


High class escort Eva from Frankfurt - a sensual seduction
Hello Grace,
I really enjoyed my time with Eva. She is warm, intelligent, humorous and very attractive. Her outfit was amazing and so was she.
Thank you very much for the smooth organization.
Many greetings also to Eva
Escort Berlin - Julia is a passionate escort companion
Hi Grace,
What can I say - your graces “never let me down”
Julia is just as hot and “fiery” in person as she is in her pictures.
A wonderful evening for me, a great pre-Christmas present. Please tell her she was great!
Rebecca - a sensual escort in Düsseldorf
Dearest Grace,
I had an absolutely wonderful date with Rebecca, she is such a kind-hearted, attractive, sensual woman. It was breathtaking. Please tell me if she enjoyed the room and everything worked!
Thank you very much for your wonderful care and the wonderful evening
Lovely again
dearest greetings
Duo Escort - Julia & Eva the perfect bisexual experience

Hello dear Grace,

Apologies for the delayed feedback. It has taken me a day or two to recover from the experience!!
A really explosive combination! A perfect pairing, just as you had predicted. Very charming, great attitude, very sexy and full of fun.
It was a real treat and I had an outstanding time….
Bravo, Grace!!!
Have a wonderful festive season and best wishes for the New Year. I'm already looking forward to my next date…..
Your perfect Girlfriend Experience – Rebecca is your sensual and seductive companion

Hello Grace,

Meeting Rebecca was amazing! She is a beautiful, smart and kind lady. We shared many views about the world and conversations never went dull. The intimate part of the meeting was also amazing and I for sure would like to repeat this experience and meet her again. I really hope she enjoyed her time as much as I did.
Thank you for organizing this meeting and recommending her!

Thank you and best regards,

A sensitive escort - escort lady Nora has her first review

Dear Grace,

I would like to thank you very much for organizing the date with Nora.

I really enjoyed the date with Nora and we got along really well from the start and were on the same wavelength in all areas. Her natural and considered manner in our conversations made our date extremely pleasant and made me completely forget the time. Nora has a wonderful body, which she used in exactly the right way and fulfilled my every wish in an exciting way. Her tender, yet uninhibited nature was the ideal mix for a really great date. I felt super comfortable in AZ and had a great time with a lot of passion and great conversations. Unfortunately the date was far too short 🙂

I hope Nora also enjoyed our date and that she had a successful start with me at your agency!

Please also give her my best regards!

Best regards

Escort lady Frankfurt - Eva has enchanted again...
Hello Grace,
the date with Eva was fantastic again. Not that I expected anything different. What a woman! I think: one more date and then we get married 😉
Thanks as always for the smooth organization. I'm already looking forward to the next date with Eva.
Warm greetings,
High class escort Eva from Frankfurt has her first review - the perfect temporary lover

Dear Grace,

I would like to give you a short feedback on the great date with Eva yesterday.
What a wonderful young woman - such a beautiful, young, intelligent and reflective woman.
She hardly showed her nervousness and I think it passed very quickly.
The conversations were fantastic.
My time with her was everything I hoped it would be. I just thought she was great in all respects.
I hope she also enjoyed the date and enjoyed it as much as I did.
I would like to see Eva again soon. Please send her kind regards and I hope she got home safely.
All love,
High class escort Lucia from Berlin - sexy & smart - a new review
Good morning Grace,
It was a very interesting, entertaining and beautiful evening with Lucia - in terms of looks, figure, height - exactly my type :-)) and then a smart head with good thoughts - plus a wonderful body with a few "secrets" on the finer side Skin - a very successful date.
Thank you very much for your very good and “expert” advice and assessment - we would be happy to do so again.
Have a nice day and
best regards,
Emily has a new date review

Hello Grace,

The date with Emily was very nice. From the first moment I was captivated by her natural manner and her smile. We immediately had a level where we could have a good conversation. I could have chatted with her for hours and completely lost track of time.
Luckily for me, after a while Emily turned the evening into more activities and so I was able to enjoy this beautiful side. Without giving too much away, I can probably say that this part was the highlight of the evening.

There were really nice - far too few - nice hours with her.

Best regards,

Rebecca has a new date review

Hi Grace,

Yes, an absolutely fantastic date with a truly delightful lady. What a pleasure to spend an evening with Rebecca.
She is smart and confident, articulate with well formed ideas and strong views. So much to admire!
She looked lovely, dressed exactly as requested, and was tigerish and passionate in the bedroom.
I enjoyed every minute and can't wait to see her again!
Thanks for the exceptional arrangements in Berlin..
Looking forward to the next one...
Rebecca has a new date review

Dear Grace, sorry for my late reply.

Everything was perfect yesterday. Rebecca is a beautiful and smart woman. I really enjoyed the time with her.
Looking forward to write you again.
I wish you a great week too!
kind regards
Elena has a new date review
Hello Grace,
now in a little more detail, but of course it can't be appropriate for Elena, there are books to write.

Elena is perfect (for me). I told her that she is an incredibly beautiful woman inside and out.

Internally: Your affection, attentiveness and sweet nature are outstanding. There were countless things we talked about, but ultimately the time, the 4 p.m., was too short.
Externally: Her eyes, her face, the soft lips, the great hair, the natural breasts, her hips, the butt, I don't have the words for that. Full marks, with extra points and stars.

She attracted EVERYONE'S attention in the figure-hugging dress, including women's, in the bar, on the streets, in the restaurant. A little anecdote on the side: Elena went to the toilet after dinner to put on her lipstick. Then the owner of the restaurant arrived and said: Of course, his dessert couldn't compete with the accompaniment, which was already excellent.

Elena took the Girl Friend Experience to a whole new level for me. Thanks.

I had the impression that Elena also found the hours pleasant, she was particularly surprised by the roses, hopefully she brought her to Leipzig and enjoyed it for a few more days.

We agreed to repeat the date, then 24 hours, with use of the spa area and perhaps a visit to an exhibition or a museum.

Grace, please give Elena my best regards,
Warm greetings
Rebecca has a new date review

Dear team,

I would like to express my gratitude for the date with Rebecca in London. It was an experience I will truly never forget.

Rebecca displayed empathy and affection from the very beginning. Her warm personality created a familiar atmosphere, making it easy to relax and enjoy the date, from the beginning we met.

Rebecca is undoubtedly a genuine lover not only outside the bedroom but also within it.

I want to extend my thanks to your team by organizing this date. It was an unforgettable evening in London that I wouldn't want to miss. Thank you Grazia and Rebecca.

Warm regards,


Emily has a new date review
Dear Grace,
Thank you again for organizing yesterday's wonderful evening! Sometimes on evenings like these you meet people whose outstanding personalities captivate you so much that you could talk to them for hours and remember them for a long time. Emily is such a person. Behind closed doors, her submissive side came to light, in which she was able to completely let herself go as an attentive and tender lover. Indescribable!
Thanks again to Emily! If I were to be in Berlin for a longer period of time, I would volunteer for an overnight stay. Three hours is definitely too short for Emily!
Warm greetings,
Emily has a new date review

Hello dear Grazia team

I hope you are doing well. I would like to thank you and your team for your wonderful support in organizing my date with Emily. It was an unforgettable experience that I will remember for a long time.

Right from the start I felt like I was in good hands and well looked after. I was very impressed by the smooth communication in advance and the detailed information about the process. I particularly liked how carefully my wishes and preferences were taken into account.

Meeting Emily was simply fantastic. Not only is she extremely charming and beautiful, but she is also incredibly interesting and entertaining. The time flew by and I felt very comfortable in her company.

Your team really did a great job making sure every detail fit perfectly. From the choice of restaurant to the entire organization – everything was excellently planned and implemented.

Thank you again for this unforgettable experience. I’m already looking forward to the opportunity to arrange more dates with your agency in the future. Please send my warmest regards to Emily and let her know how much I enjoyed our time together.



Lucia has a new date review
Good morning Grace,
The evening with Lucia was really wonderful and flew by. She is a warm-hearted and open person and perfectly conveys the feeling of being familiar, completely open and relaxed with one another. It doesn't need to be said that she looks perfect in every way, but I have to anyway. Your inner beauty is in no way inferior.
Best regards to her!
Best regards,
Lucia has a new date review
Good Morning
I had the best time ever! I would definitely like to meet her again next month. She is a true goddess.
I hope she enjoyed our time.
Thank you and all the best
Monica has a new date review

Dear Grace,

What a most wonderful opportunity to meet Monica. Have you ever imagined what Isabella Rossellini or Monica Bellucci were like before they became famous? No idea? Meet Monica. For starters, she is incredibly beautiful. But she has much more, she has what makes stars: Monica combines wit, fun, smartness, intellect and empathy to let ultimate eroticism emerge. You will naturally be thrilled by her. A truly unforgettable experience. Monica is just one who has it all.

Best, M.

Hanna has a new date review

Dear Grace,

Thank you so much that the date with Hanna worked out.
What can I say, it was simply wonderful.
You immediately fall for Hanna with her sensual nature. We got along really well in all aspects and it was a pleasure to have fun with her.

My absolute favourite.

Kind regards to Hanna

LG, W.

Lucia has a new date review

Hello Grace

Thank you, yes, they were really great and relaxing days.

I don't even know where to start 😉
Lucia is really a great woman. Lively and full of energy. It was extremely pleasant to spend time with her. She patiently went along with all of my ideas and, as far as I can tell, she also enjoyed it. What I also really liked is the fact that you can talk to her about all sorts of things, as if you've known each other for a long time. Unfortunately, as is often the case in these cases, the time was far too short, at least for me.

Please let me send you my warmest regards. If the opportunity arises, I would certainly like to meet with her again.

Many photos and some videos were taken during our date. Is it perhaps possible that you could send some of this to me?

Best regards,

Elena has a new date review

Dear Grace,

I would like to thank you very much for the excellent organization. Elena and I had a wonderful weekend together. She really is the perfect companion - always open and communicative, extremely attractive and stylish, always looking out for my well-being and very loving. Our time together was exactly what I imagine a “girlfriend experience” would be. She is a great companion and her body is simply breathtaking. It's no wonder that all eyes were on us as we sat in the restaurant. She really is an eye-catcher. I enjoyed every minute with her, as you probably know 😉

See you soon,

Hanna has a new date review

Dear Grace,

It was simply fantastic, Hanna is really a very special woman. She is visually amazing and sexually insatiable. I really enjoyed our short date (unfortunately far too short) and am looking forward to seeing this seductress again.

I'll get in touch with you when I know when I'll be back in Berlin.
A short trip on the Hanna might also work. I can accompany you, but I'll get in touch.

Warm greetings,

Lucia has a new date review

Dear Grace,

It was perfect as always, I don't really need to say more!

Many thanks to you for the great service.


Hanna has a new date review

"Hi Grace,

And the next wonderful grace I got to know ;)

Hannah - wow.

Thank you as always. Told her that I've already gotten to know Lucia and Melissa and it's quite possible that I'll get in touch about a duo.

I think that would also suit Hanna very well 😉
Although I have the pleasurable "spoiled for choice" 😉

See you soon xxx M"

Lucia has a new date review

"Hello Grace

Yes, we found each other and I'm speechless. What a unique being.

I would like to see you again. Incredibly beautiful and funny and entertaining

Best regards,"

Monica has a new date review

"Dear Grace,

Thank you for your help with my meeting with Monica; it was just wonderful.
Could you please thank her again for me and let her know how much I enjoyed our time together? From the moment we met at the train station until when she left today I had the best of times. She's beautiful, smart, fun, sweet, intellectually engaging and a perfect "partner in crime". This was a perfect date, if there ever was one, and hope to replicate sometimes soon, in the future.
Please let her know that and thank you again for everything.

Monica has a new date review
Monica Grazia Agency I International High Class Escort Service
"Dear Grace,
I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to meet Monica. I had a fabulous time!
She's not only beautiful but an incredibly interesting person to meet. We had so many things we talked about (and I feel there would have been so many more, if we had more time! 🙂 and connected on so many levels that time flew by so quickly.
So thank you very much for helping me to meet Monica. I hope you enjoyed our time together as well and to be able to see her again, next time I'm back in Milan.
Wishing you a good night."
Hanna has a new date review

"Good morning dearest Grace,

After waking up excellently and having a long breakfast, I am now back at the airport in the real world and would like to give you a brief feedback on last night.
Your matchmaking skills are really exceptional. Hanna is an exciting and interesting personality, it was a lot of fun getting to know her over the evening and getting a little insight into her world.

The whiskey sour in the pantry was an excellent start to the evening and after a good bottle of wine we made our way back to the hotel after midnight. There we warmed each other up with a view of the frozen French Cathedral 😉 before we spent a cozy night.

Please thank Hanna again for this great evening. I hope that there will be another opportunity for a date in the future, even if I can't imagine that such a great woman will remain available for long 😉


Hanna & Lucia have a new date review

"Dear Grace,

Many thanks for your support.
The days with Lucia were amazing.

Her charisma and her smile make her even more attractive than in the great photos.
We had a lot of fun right from the start, as if we had known each other forever.
Whether eating, shopping or at the bar ... it was funny, erotic, just great.
And nothing was left to be desired in the room either.

When Hanna came along, it was topped again.
You really have to be careful to keep up with it.
Unfortunately the duo time was almost too short.
Hanna has such a beautiful face (not only) and an incredible charisma.

I would always book the two again.
Greetings to the girls

Best regards"

Lucia has a new date review


Lucia Grazia Agency I International High Class Escort Service


"Dear Grace,

I wanted to thank you for your help in meeting with Lucia.
She's such a beautiful, nice, attractive, energetic, positive and fun lady. I had such a great evening and time has flown by so almost.
Would you please thank Lucia again for me and let her know I loved every minute of this evening.

Thank you for your impeccable service. I hope to meet Lucia again or one of the other beautiful ladies very soon.

Wishing you a wonderful night."

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